Form Instructions

This directory is primarily designed to support non-address based businesses (such as home-based businesses where you don’t want your home address listed). If you prefer an address-based directory is an excellent option!

All submissions will be vetted for quality assurance. We reserve the right to NOT publish a listing if it doesn’t meet our standards.

  • Click for Instructions & Details
    • Logo:
      Must be square ratio. Minimum 400px x 400px – Maximum 1000px x 1000px – Max file size of 500kb
    • Website:
      Full URL required. Example,
    • Email:
      Needed for the listing fee, and in case there’s any issues or questions about the listing. Listing will not be published if there’s an issue and we can’t reach you.
    • Category:
      For now, we allow you to freely enter in your category. Eventually, this text field will be replaced with pre-defined dropdown list.
    • Relationship to Business:
      You must either be the business owner, or have direct first hand experience as a customer.
    • Fee:
      To maintain the quality if this directory we need to keep the spam out. To this end, we are charging a small listing fee of 2100 sats (currently approx. $1.50 USD). This covers the time it takes to vet and list each business as well. If your listing is approved you will get emailed with directions for paying with Bitcoin or Lightning. Once the fee payment is verified your listing will go live!
    • Permitted business types:
      No drugs or drug paraphernalia, no adult content, nothing that is illegal. As a general rule, nothing that you wouldn’t let kids see. Please keep it clean!
Add Business Front-end Form